Product Updates & Release Notes

Release Notes [10/18/23] - Summaries for Project Quantity Totals, Tables in Report, Top Menu Redesign

Release Notes [10/31/23] - Filtered and Grouped Summaries, Export Customization, Symbol Thumbnails, Bug Fixes

Release Notes [11/14/23] - Summaries for Object Types and Groups, Right Click to Select Items, Improved Symbol Detection, Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements

Release Notes [11/28/23] - Table detection and editing options, re-processing by section type, spacebar keyboard shortcut to add items, switch groups in grouping mode

Release Notes [12/12/23] - Seamless group creation and manual takeoff with left panel and spacebar, navigation panel redesign, improvements to export, bug fixes

Release Notes [1/10/24] - Updated exports and reports, table detection improvements, fixes

Release Notes [1/24/24] - Custom filter settings based on section type, filtered Excel exports, improved splitting mode, better page classification, pre-processing enhancements

Release Notes [2/20/24] - Start in manual takeoff mode, AI-setup toggle, add columns to tables, improved section detection, spacebar hotkey to add from grouping mode, improvements and fixes

Release Notes [3/5/24] - Custom labels, multi-segment split mode, repeats calculate in quantity summary, improvements to page label detection and re-processing.

Release Notes [3/19/24] - Save/Override Measurements in Processing Confirmation, Editable Sheet Codes as Badges in Page Navigation Dropdow, Improved Export Preferences.

Release Notes [4/2/24] - Editable page labels, summary and exportable counts for custom labels, editable scales from confirmation menu.

Release Notes [4/16/24] - Match schedules to custom labels, improved wall detection, improved selection, faster dashboard loading, improved selection of items in view.

Release Notes [4/29/24] - Active section in takeoff mode, bugfixes.

Release Notes [5/14/24] - Text label detection, table matching, and export; multi-select right click menu improved.

Release Notes [5/29/24] - Improved wall detection and room detection with exclusion areas, summary button, improved tooltips for text label detection.